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  • 🎶 The Beggar - Franz Gordon

🎶 The Beggar - Franz Gordon

It's 11:59pm, I know. Read me out.

How dare I. I mean, Good Evening.

I am here, completely unannounced, in your inbox, at the cusp of midnight, after ghosting you for an entire month.

(Why does this feel strangely familiar...🤔)

I'm kidding—obviously no one here has ever been ghosted. Anyway.

My March recap came up for the newsletter and it literally said...


It WAS awkward. I said, You're kidding. Stop. Right now, thank you very much...🎶

I was about to email Tyler (founder) and tell him, kindly, that his platform is, um, deleting my posts.

But when I did some cross-checking, I found overwhelming evidence that, indeed, there had been no foul play.

Well, at least not by Tyler's crew anyway. It's ME — hi. I'm the problem, it's m—sorry.

What I'm really trying to say is that the reason I'm sending this late into the night is for no other reason than today's song simply cannot be experienced for the first time in the bright and early morning.

Unless your mornings are dark. In which case, you're either a very early riser or just going through a "moment", so...well, my condolences either way. Alright I'll shut up. Here's your irregularly scheduled programming:

Uff this song...physically moves my innards. The melody dances. It's dark without feeling heavy, beautiful without feeling sweet. It's something true...


(And goodnight.)

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